Friday, September 10, 2010

Generous gift

God led the Kregel family (Kregel Publications, MI) to graciously donate a family member’s personal library to STEP faculty. Wow!!! Did they have fun selecting titles and are so appreciative of expanding their personal library for teaching and preaching.

In order to reduce the costs of shipping to Haiti and the hassle of customs, we decided the best means of shipping is through CAM (Christian Aid Mission) out of Lancaster. That means I need to find a location to temporarily store the boxes of books until the next CAM container can be filled, whenever that is.

Please pray with us that we can work out the logistics to store this generous gift in a moisture free and bug free environment until the next CAM shipment. 

Please pray for students who have registered this past week:
  • For finances to pay for each coming semester
  • For strength to function in a country that is still struggling
  • For shelter, food and comfort for many who are still without
  • For comfort as many grieve for family and friends that were killed or injured in the earthquake