Had a little scare in church this morning when before the service began we heard a loud crashing noise behind and above us from the stairway to the balcony. Everyone around us responded in the same way - panic on faces until we realized it was a folding chair that had dropped on the stairs and tumbled down. I wonder when these panic responses will fade - everyone smiled at each other because we all had the same reaction.
I wanted to tell you about a good story on Haiti in the Newsweek magazine dated July 26, 2010. It is called A TreeGrows in Haiti. It is a good review of the situation here withdeforestation, etc. Don't know if you can read it on line or not. (Here is a link to the article:
We arrived home to Haiti via Miami yesterday (Saturday) morning around 8 our time. That was a bit different than we planned when we left Amy's at 3 am on Friday to catch the 7:20 am flight to San Juan Puerto Rico with a connecting flight to Port-au-Prince. Karen drove us to Philadelphia and everything was going well until the time for boarding passed and they made the announcement we all dread - there is a problem with the plane. The problem with the plane was that the plastic EXIT sign cover near the front of the plane was missing and they can't fly without it. They could not find a cover in Philadelphia airport so one was being driven down from JFK in NYC which is a good 2 hour drive in good traffic conditions. So they called anyone who had a connecting flight to come up. In the end we were switched to fly to Miami but would have to spend the night and then fly to Haiti on Saturday. Our plane for Miami flew before the one for San Juan. It was really delayed even more than 2 hours.
We were given a voucher for lunch and then got our plane to Miami. In Miami there was a little bit of a tense time when we didn't know where our luggage went. It was supposed to be pulled from the San Juan plane and taken to the Miami plane. We were told that had happened and that we would have to claim it in Miami and then recheck it the next morning. The agents in Miami said we did not have to claim it and it would be put with the Haiti stuff and be on the plane. Well, experience told us that perhaps we should pray about this so we did. We were put in the Airport Hotel because we had such an early flight the next morning. We had a great dinner, wonderful room, and nice breakfast all compliments of American Airlines.
We originally were in the very back of the plane for the Haiti flight, then moved to an exit row - seats #10 A & B. When we went through security I got stopped because the security agent looked at my boarding pass and my passport and said, "Did you change your name?" Of course I looked at her like she had grown horns and said NO. My boarding pass had the name of a man - Daniel Weissman - on it. So off we go to the AA desk and got my correct boarding pass and got back in the security line. Thinking "what else can happen on this trip?" we were getting ready to board the plane and David was called up and we were put in FIRST CLASS!
We were the first ones on the plane. As we were sitting in these incredibly large comfortable seats and being served orange juice we heard them ask for Daniel Weissman - yes that same name that was on my boarding pass to come to the front. We heard him say "yes, they gave my seat away" so I guess they did it again as they already had given it to me once. Anyway what a mess but at least we got seats in 1st class and got another small breakfast and enjoyed our flight back.
That was to prepare us for arriving at the Haiti airport just after the Fort Lauderdale flight had landed so the baggage claim area was absolute BEDLAM. Thankfully everyone laughed and helped each other and we finally found our suitcases (thank you Lord) and got out of the airport. We went to the outdoor market to buy veggies and fruit since I knew I had none at home and finally got home.
David had his stuff from his STEP office sorted, packed and organized before we left for our 10 days in the states but now needs to get it out of the house where they originally put it so that area can be made into administrative offices. That will be his job this week. Then in mid August he goes to La Coma on the north coast to teach the continuing education seminar he was supposed to do the day of the earthquake back in January. Remember it was cancelled due to heavy rains up north which meant he was here with me for the earthquake - praise the Lord! We also need to work on getting his teaching materials.
I need to catch up on the earthquake finances and have a few other things on my "to do" list. It was not easy to think about returning once again but now that I'm back I'm ok. I am SO glad we had the time at the Bala Goodbye. The fellowship, sharing, rest away from the stresses of Haiti were really what we both needed. It was great to remember with so many co-workers from many different fields how God provided that beautiful property 56 years ago. At one of the meetings during the worship time the leader had us all sing "God is so good" in the language of the country where we live at the same time. What a neat experience it was! She hadn't planned it but we had sung "oh for a thousand tongues to sing" and so she suggested it.
The temporary classroom has a roof, outer wooden walls completed and 2 interior cement block walls done. There is still a lot of work to get done so keep praying that this building will be ready for classes to begin.
We enjoyed some family time and even went to see "Joseph" at Sight and Sound in Lancaster. I was reminded once again of the "power of forgiveness" and how many times I read and teach these Old Testament stories from the Bible and don't really let the truth impact my life. I was in tears at the end after seeing the "power of forgiveness" in Joseph's life.
My niece in Illinois just got on skype with me and the call lasted 10 minutes. I was able to see her kids and they could see me as I took them on a little tour outside. They wanted to see our lizards and tarantulas but alas none were around for the viewing! Maybe next time. That was fun.
Love to all,