Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update from Cindy McMartin

January 15, 2011

Dear Friends, 

Wednesday, the whole country of Haiti remembered the day one year ago that changed their lives forever.  All businesses and schools were closed; crowds of people all dressed in white marched in the streets in solemn remembrance of the devastation and lives lost; groups got together with their friends who had lost a loved one to read Scripture, pray together and encourage one another; we heard the services of prayer and praise all around us beginning before dawn and lasting into the evening; we remembered, we praised God for protection and His help in the past year, and we prayed asking Him to accomplish his plan and work for good and the advancement of his Kingdom in the midst of continued seemingly hopeless circumstances.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pray for Haiti

These days, Haiti is in need of prayer.  Elections results still have no definitive president names.  The former president for life, Jean Claude Duvalier, has returned to Haiti.

God has Haiti in His hands and he knows that plan for the country we all care about so much.  Let us pray together for a peaceful resolution of the election issue. 


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Haiti UnChanged?

January 10, 2011
by Dwight Lehman, International Director

I viewed a video and read an article today from CNN titled, One year later, Haiti's symbolic sites are sadly unchanged. With all due respect to the writer and the news organization, the symbolic sites may be sadly unchanged but the Haitian people are changed...most for the rest of their lives on this earth.

In typical fashion for US reporting, the focus is on the external. But Haiti has changed. There would be no Haiti without the resilient, friendly and resourceful people that make up that country. Let me relate how I see Haiti changed.