Friday, February 4, 2011

Work Team Arrived

There is a work team from Boca Raton, FL at Bolosse.  They will be building a house in the neighborhood for Sam.  There is a picture slidewshow below.
January 25, 2011   Hello Everyone!

Sam and his wife are an elderly couple that live in the neighborhood surrounding us here on the STEP campus. Their house was completely destroyed during the quake as a 3-story house above them fell over breaking down their house. It would break your heart to see the hovel they have been living in that they erected from odds and ends they salvaged or were given – rubble, pieces of tin, a tarp, etc.

STEP seeks to transform the lives of our students so that they in turn can be involved in the transformation of individuals in their circles of influence with the hopes of also impacting their communities. Corporately, STEP is involved in outreach and in developing relationships in the community around our campus.

With this in mind, STEP leadership identified several families to help by building them a cement block house. This past week materials were purchased, workers lined up, and details taken care of so that work could begin. Men in the community were encouraged to volunteer some time as a way to show their gratefulness for other times when they have received; STEP class presidents talked to their fellow students and encouraged them to volunteer their time in the mornings.

And yesterday, the work began. The goal is to have everything prepared and the foundation poured by next week when a group from MFI will arrive to spend a week helping the Haitian crew build this home.

Now here’s why I’m writing you all this: Sam is not a believer; his wife is. Please pray that, as a result of this ministry to he and his wife, the barriers will be broken down and he will come to salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray, too, for others in the community, who are watching closely all that is being done. Pray that they will be drawn to God because of God’s love being demonstrated before them.

May God be glorified and His Kingdom advanced through this project as you pray.  This is it – the small tin hut w/ the rocks on top - not very secure, stable, rain /wind-proof, and really hot inside.

Pray for the people of Haiti who are living in conditions we cannot even imagine.  We live in our big homes, with our nice cars, three square meals a day with truckloads of food readily available and the money to go get it.  So many in Haiti are living minute to minute, with so very little to call their own but they still smile and are so thankful for the little bit they do have. 

Pray with us that the team will have strength and good health, energy to see the project completed and that Haiti and the people will touch their hearts. 

Pray for the people in community who will see the changes for this family. 

Pray that as people hear why this is happening, to share the love of Jesus, that they will want to know more.

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