We are praising God for His protection of one of our co-workers, Rich Mears, who was shot in a robbery early Thursday morning here in Haiti. It was a small caliber bullet and passed through his upper thigh missing arteries and bone. A "good Samaritan" at the scene helped Rich get to medical care and then David spent most of the day with him. The two hospitals close to us that we would normally go to in the past are both closed basically. This highlights a problem in the country following the earthquake.
Rich ended up at a "Doctors without Borders" clinic where they did an assessment and then David took him to Dr. Jeudi, a STEP graduate who is also a surgeon. He took excellent care of Rich and kept him into the evening to adjust medication. We picked him up around 9 pm and brought him back to Bolosse campus. He spent the night and then left on American Airlines Friday afternoon to join his family already in the states. It could have been much worse and so we are reminded once again of God's protection. I know Rich and Carol would appreciate prayer for complete healing and recovery. It was a first for us to have someone in our "family" wounded by a gunshot during a robbery. Guns are everywhere and it is truly only God's protection that this has not happened before.
Beth Brown flew home to Indiana today after spending a lot of time going over the finance books for me and helping me set things up with all the added work of the earthquake relief funds. She made me smile when she said that she enjoyed doing it - it was a puzzle and it challenged her. I don't know if I will ever use the work "enjoy" with doing finance work. I appreciate all she did.
Her husband, Duane, is still here for 3 more weeks and will be joined by a friend from Indiana who will help him get many different repair/building projects done. The main frame of the Quonset Hut is up and now the ends need to be finished. Once it is secure we will move in the things salvaged from the damaged building for storage which will free up another building (formerly Boggs house) for making administrative offices for STEP. Temporary classrooms for the fall semester are still in the planning stage but must be started soon.
As the result of a gift from dear friends, David and I are traveling to PA July 13 - 23 for the "Farewell to Bala" as our headquarters moves from Bala-Cynwyd, PA (outside of Philadelphia) to Kansas City, MO. It is an unexpected trip but we look forward to seeing and fellowshipping with many missionaries we have come to know and love over the years we've been with UFM/CrossWorld.
Please keep us and McMartins in your prayers. We find things challenging and it is only by God's grace that we keep pushing forward right now. We are reminded daily that by His strength and His strength alone is anything worthwhile accomplished. Thank you SO much for "standing in the gap and holding up our arms" at this time.
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