Tuesday, February 9, 2010

CrossWorld News: February 8

Sometimes called "Critical Incident Debriefing", debriefing is a planned response to let people know they are cared for and not alone in a difficult situation. For CrossWorld, a stressful event such as the Haiti earthquake is a trigger for debriefing, no matter what the condition of the individual.

Debriefing is a time to listen to the victim's story in an unhurried environment. Debriefers also help the person to identify symptoms of the event and provide reassurance that they are normal. It also provides the experienced debrief team an opportunity to identify needs for possible follow-up counseling.

Today, a team of three experienced debrief counselors is arriving in Haiti. What will they do?

  • Meet with CrossWorld and STEP staff who experienced the event of the past month
  • Meet with STEP students who escaped alive and also lost loved ones
  • Train Haitian leaders for debriefing others
  • Provide counsel for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the camp
  • Train staff at the House of Hope in debriefing skills

What is the latest?

  • First Responder, Mark, developed a strategy for preventing communicable diseases and other critical health issues. Plans are now being focused on sanitation and hygiene education, disease surveillance, potable drinking water, adequate shelter and access to health care. The most vulnerable are mothers and infants and the elderly.
  • As all over Haiti, there is a desperate need for coordination and planning. Today Tom arrived at the Bolosse campus - with experience as a military planning officer and liaison in high-risk situations around the world. His skills will be critical in providing relief for our staff and procuring critical resources to meet the ongoing needs on campus.
  • As noted above, pray for the debriefers - Walt and Pat and Carine.

Quotes from the front:

"Two days ago a Haitian lady brought me a gift...she had purchased 7 grapefruit for us. In the midst of need and distress, she gave to us. Amazing!" (Cindy)

"Having drinking water available through the water filtration system given us by Samaritan's purse has encouraged people." (Phyllis)

"Haiti has become a field of evangelization, people are coming to church in large numbers...radio stations that had hours consecrated to voodoo programming have replaced them with gospel programs and preaching of God's Word." (Pasteur Crisbon)

"Medical teams are reporting a decrease in trauma cases and an increase in mental health needs" (OCHA report)

"There are so many sad stories and many of these survivors will carry the scars for life." (Bill)

"There are devotions nightly - a time of singing, praying and praising God - it is really quite beautiful to hear." (Bruce)

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