The main item this week has been the fact that we were awakened one morning just before 5 am to the sound of rain and not just a little sprinkle. Now normally in February when we are so dry and dusty we look forward to refreshing rains but our first thoughts were of the tarps and the people outside.
David and others worked to keep the water from sitting in the tarps and tearing them.
It lasted for a while but praise God all the tarps held. People had been shown how to keep the water off the tarps as much as possible and everyone did a great job. We were very glad that the rain came in the early morning (unusual for Haiti) and not at night when people would have then had to sleep or try to in the damp and coolness the rains bring. This way people were up and starting their day. The sun quickly dried up any wet bedding for people. It is a reality because rainy season can begin in the next month or so.
Duane Brown is here and coordinating with Roger See and Bruce McMartin the repair work on the security perimeter wall which fell, the campus water system (still no running water in our homes) and the repair of some homes.
Today was a memorial/praise/prayer and worship time in churches all over the city. Our campus was filled this morning with songs of praise and people thanking God. There will be another service tomorrow morning and then the regular service on Sunday. God is at work in the hearts of His people and others are searching for the peace that they see in the lives of His children.
Pray for a mighty work of the Holy Spirit.
Pray for daily strength.
We all have our moments. People are working very hard and sometimes just need that little break. David has said many times how thankful he is for Wawa, Jacques and other leaders who have worked tirelessly to make things happen and keep things together on the campus. We have much to praise our God for. I appreciate friends who go "above and beyond" in our home to help me. They humble me with their servants hearts.
All for now,
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