Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday Feb. 16 update from Mom

Just wanted to share a special PRAISE with all of you that during the 3 days of worship services on campus Friday - Sunday, over 300 people prayed to receive Christ as Savior. This was only one location so combine that with the services held all over Haiti during this time and you know God's name was lifted up in praise and worship over and over again. Pray for the follow-up of these new believers and for them as they begin their walks with God.

I am so thankful for finally getting water in our home once again. It makes life a little easier. We are still conserving water as much as we can - like keeping the rinse water when we do laundry to use to wash the next load. I don't have a "great" system for doing this but I have one that is working for now so that counts, right?!?!?!?

We are using a temporary water container system from Samaritan's Purse while they repair the original cistern. Work is also taking place on repairing the perimeter wall where it came down during the quake. STEP is meeting again tomorrow to make decisions and plans for the future. The administration has been active in making short and long range plans. Many things need to be taken into consideration - how or if to finish out this academic year, where and how to rebuild, etc. But the security wall and water are both essentials for the campus and STEP at this time.

We continue to hear stories from STEP students concerning the loss of life in their families and neighborhoods. The level of grief some of these dear ones have had to experience is mind boggling to me. David, Bruce and Robert received a very heartfelt email from the dean of STEP thanking them for their tireless efforts to find and rescue students the night of the quake. All three men would tell you it was just automatic - how could they not do it!

We have 3 men visiting at this time - 2 former missionaries (Roger See and Duane Brown) with building expertise and 1 former "short termer" (Byron Sparling) who has helped build and done a lot of welding for churches in Haiti over the years. It is great to have these men here helping in so many areas.

One prayer request is for Roger's tiny new born grandson, Jaden. He is Darcy and Jesse's son. He was born while Roger has been here helping us and now is hospitalized in ICU at a Michigan Children's Hospital. He has a "rhinovirus" and is getting good care but it is hard for Roger to be away from his family during this time.

We are all at different stages of fatigue and the work only continues on. Rainy season is approaching which makes living under tarps more difficult for people. Please pray for us as we seek to meet needs around us daily. We all struggle with weariness at various levels but we thank God for the strength and grace He provides daily.


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