I wrote this yesterday but in the rush of all the comings and goings never got it sent. So will send today.
Well, we thought perhaps this saga was coming to a close but night beforelast we were awakened by a strong shock at around 4:30 am and a smaller onearound 10 am. Then this morning at 1:30 am we had another strong shock with a smaller one 11 minutes later. I have to admit that I could not get back to sleep last night so got up and got dressed and laid on the living room couch cushions but didn't sleep much there either. I know in my mind that the house is still standing after a 7 earthquake so the smaller ones won't take it down but somehow it still really bothers me with these shocks take place.
Today will be a long day!
Our population on campus had begun to decrease but these new tremors have caused people to come back on campus more than ever. We have extra security on campus and people have been cooperative for the most part. The children's meetings continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The section leaders for the "camp" are working well in keeping things organized. We had a special clinic yesterday for children.
There was another food distribution and it went very smoothly. Our extra "hands" are leaving - Byron left Monday, Roger leaves today, Duane leaves next Saturday.
There has been good progress made on the security perimeter wall. People outside the wall have complained that we are making it "too high". Interesting that they think we'd make it low enough that they can easily come over which defeats the purpose of a security fence! Not sure what decision has been made about the water cistern. We are still using the temporary bladder from Samaritan's Purse for water. The best thing will be to replace the old original cistern but that is another huge job.
Please pray for wisdom as the men determine what is the best route to follow in so many different areas.
A lot will fall on David and Bruce withthe other men leaving. We are SO thankful for the time, energy and expertise Byron, Roger and Duane have given to us. They have worked "above and beyond" and accomplished an amazing amount of work.
Jehu is planning to move the boys to the new property in the next week. They have cleared land for tents, built a latrine and made a temporary kitchen area. A team from Washington is maybe coming in early March to helpwith the completion of the new building. We are seeing God's provision forthis new building to take form and have much to praise the Lord for.
The seminary is looking to put together a modular session in April for the 4th year students to be able to complete their studies. David teaches a fourth year class so if this becomes a reality he would teach 4 hours for 5 days to complete the Eschatology course for the students. It would be tough on teacher and students as there is a lot to cover but at least the 4th year students could complete their last semester.
McMartins possibly have two teams coming in March - the one mentioned abovef or Jehu's building and then a large medical/dental team who are coming to do local clinics in our area. Pray for special strength for Bruce and Cindyduring this time. We will help as much as we can but it will still be a lotof responsibility on them.
We are working on a time to get away - both McMartins and Schmids. Not sure exactly what that looks like yet but we realize we need it. We'll head in different directions. We really need some time to regroup and allow ourb ody, minds and spirits to be refreshed and to process all that has gone on since January 12.
Pray for the administrators of the seminary as they make plans for the future. Leadership training is the heart of David's ministry goals and we want to be involved in that for the remaining years of ministry in Haiti.
Structural engineers came yesterday to evaluate our original building. They actually went in and David was able to rescue some things from his office like a very special photo of his dad buying grapefruit at a roadside stand here in Haiti MANY years ago. Another boat picture I had given him was rescued. When I tried to clean it up I found that inside the glass front and behind the board backing there was cement dust and particles. I don'twant to even think how those got inside the glass and backing. They ares till hoping to be able to get some of David's books out so we'll see about that.
There must be other things to share but I just can't think of them right now.
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