Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update from CindyMcMartin

November 29, 2010

Dear Friends,

This past week we celebrated 2 special events, but neither of them on the actual day. Bruce’s birthday is the 24th, but we celebrated his life earlier on the weekend with the Schmids. We had our traditional grilled meal, cheesecake for dessert, played a game (Phyllis and I tromped the guys), and even watched a movie. Would you pray that God would continue to bless Bruce and his involvement in lives here – that he would continue to make disciples and be instrumental in the advancement of God’s Kingdom?

Thanksgiving is not celebrated here of course so we never have that day off, but because of elections, STEP canceled classes on Friday and Monday. We invited the Dorlus, Wadestrant, Louis, Schmid and Mears families over. The kids filled a table outside and after dinner enjoyed the afternoon running and playing together. We adults had a very fun time together – there’s always lots of laughter with Jean and Jacques around. We also had a special time sharing praises to God and then things we are thankful for about each other. Bruce and I are so grateful for these good friends and colleagues. Would you pray especially for Jean, Jacques and Wawa in their positions of directing STEP – that God would protect them both physically and spiritually and continue to bless their impact on the ministry and many lives here.

Almost 2 years ago, Wawa’s Dad, a Voodoo witchdoctor, came to salvation through Jesus Christ. He continues to have a thirst for knowing God and is growing in his walk with God. A STEP grad is leading a Bible study at Yves’ house with 36 people. This group is the start of a new church in an area with no other evangelical ministry. Praise God! And pray for this new body of believers.

We asked you to pray for Claudy who is working for Vision d’Antioche (VA). He is doing a great job of representing VA. He is contacting lots of pastors and churches and connecting them to the ministry of VA again, and helping to renew their involvement, not just with VA, but also in the whole area of missions. Please continue to pray for him as he teaches/preaches on missions each week and in all he does to help VA function properly.

Roger, our Haitian missionary in Senegal, wrote saying that 163 Haitians have arrived in Senegal to study there. After the quake, the Senegalese government invited Haitians to come to their country. Roger has made the effort to go see these students and he says many of them are believers. Every day Bruce and I pray that God will send out more workers into His harvest. Would you pray with us? Would you pray that some of these Haitian believers would be workers that God will use in His harvest in Senegal?

The area around us remained calm over the weekend as elections took place. We are still not sure of the final outcome as most of the candidates are asking that the elections be annulled because of fraud. Pray with us that this situation will be resolved without a lot of upheaval and that God will put a good and capable leader into the presidency.

I’ve got Christmas music playing and have decorated the house. We look forward to celebrating the wonderful gift of Jesus in many different ways in the days ahead. We love you and praise God for each one of you – your friendship, your prayers, your support, your involvement in our lives in so many ways. May you enjoy each day the abundant life God has provided.

Love, Bruce & Cindy

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Update from Phyllis Schmid

Greetings from Haiti on the day before the Presidential Elections!

We received information yesterday from the American Embassy Warden's network that the due to the elections the Haitian government is closing the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic today at 6 pm until 6 am on Monday.

American citizens are encouraged not to do any unnecessary travel tomorrow.  Please pray with us that God would put into place the person whose desire is to make real changes in order to bring Haiti out of the desperate situation she is in right now.  Pray too that violence would not be a part of the election process this time. 

Only 15 days and we fly to Pennsylvania for a visit with our family.  We look forward to a restful and possibly a "white" Christmas!  White or green it is ok with us! 

David is busy finishing up his classes.  He missed several hours of his Revelation course when classes were canceled yesterday so is trying to get all the material in before the final exam on the 11th.  Daniel/Revelation is a "heavy" course for the 4th year students and so I would ask you to pray for them to be able to retain the information in the next two weeks.  David has been encouraged by both his 1st and 4th year students.  In the midst of everything else hitting Haiti it is exciting to see students desire to really understand and study God's Word. 

While in PA he will be preparing his studies to use in the continuing education seminar at La Coma in January.  Please pray for him as he puts these studies together that they will be useful to the pastors and lay leaders in the northwest and be an encouragement to them in the ministry.

Our yard and McMartins is full of brightly colored playground equipment slated to go to Jehu's - teeter totter, jungle gym, slide, merry go round and 2 metal picnic tables.  These are all made here.  The swing available was small so a bigger one is being made.  What an encouragement this will be to the boys and to Jehu himself as he sees his vision for this ministry increasing.  They have now moved into the new building even though there is still finishing work to be done. 

We had a fun afternoon yesterday as we joined with other American and Haitian coworkers and their families to have dinner together and celebrate giving thanks for what God has done for each of us.  As we each shared almost everyone mentioned God's protection during, immediately after and His continued provision in the months following the quake.  Sometimes an unexpected sound still makes me jump so the affects of those 35 seconds on January 12 still are with me but it was good to share with the others our thankful hearts for all God has done during and since the quake.

Cholera continues to be something we are aware of even the children yesterday were very aware of the need to wash their hands and be careful.

We've been told it will be an ongoing thing for a long time in Haiti's future. 

Thanks for all your prayers.

Love to all,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Update from Phyllis Schmid

When I last wrote I had just returned home 2 days earlier than expected from La Pointe where I worked with Lois and the CEF instructors, due to the projected arrival of Hurricane Tomas. At that time the mission hospital at La Pointe, CMB, had seen 10 cases of cholera and they all survived. Apparently it was just the beginning . . .

Within days they were seeing many more patients with cholera and the hospital space soon became overwhelmed. Tents are set up to house all the patients and another organization supposedly is going to help set up a "tent city" in another section on the mission property to care for the cholera patients. Thus far the death rate there is less than 1% which is very good compared to many other places which are seeing as high as a 7.5% death rate. The hospital staff is exhausted but really pulling together to take care of the influx of patients. The House of Hope with 90+ children on the hospital grounds is taking very stringent precautions to keep the children safe and free from exposure. It has been expressed many times over that this problem is far from over. Pray for the medical staff's health and physical stamina. Pray for a strong witness to the sick and their families during this time. Pray for the Haitian people as this causes great fear and suspicion among people.

Port-au-Prince is beginning to see an increase in cases. People are being educated concerning the spread of the disease and how to combat it. But Haiti is a country without running water and good sanitation provisions for the vast majority of the population; so telling people to wash their hands frequently doesn't help. Today I saw a man washing his motorcycle tire in water running in the streets. Not sure where the water was coming from and also that he would be able to really wash his hands afterwards.

We haven't eaten a salad since this all started and fruit is looked at very cautiously for breaks in the skin and washed in Clorox water before it is peeled and eaten. A doctor gave an announcement on Sunday in our church service to explain precautions to the congregation. She did an excellent job but again not everyone has the means to protect themselves as desired.

A recent report David received stated: "The Ministry of Public Health (MSPP) reports the latest statistics on the cholera epidemic as 1,034 deaths and 16,799 hospitalized cases according to data collected up to 14 November." We also received the news that a Haitian arriving in Florida from Haiti was diagnosed with cholera.

We appreciate each one of you who has expressed your loving concern for us and the Haitian people over the 34+ years we've been here and especially this year since the earthquake and now a cholera epidemic. We Know Our God is Sovereign and is in Control. Please continue to keep this country and her people in your prayers.

The Presidential elections are scheduled for Sunday November 28th. STEP has canceled classes on Friday the 26th and Monday the 29th because of possible election violence. We've had increased gunfire in our neighborhood to the west. Some days there is nothing and others it is pretty active. Rumor has it that it is gang related. We appreciate your prayers for safety in this also.

As we all celebrate Thanksgiving may each of us look to our heavenly Father with hearts full of praise for His work in our lives whatever the circumstances are that we may be facing at this time.

Love to all,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CrossWorld News - November 16

Cholera Outbreak in Haiti

Cholera Overflow Tent
Hospital Tent for Cholera Patients
A few days ago, if you had arrived at the Berachah Medical Center (CMB) in LaPointe, Haiti, you would have seen people lying on the porch, under the trees and anywhere they could find room. The wards are overflowing, and they have no room for the influx of those who have contracted cholera.

CrossWorld Community Development missionary, Bruce, saw the incredible need and sent a crew of Haitian men to put up a large tent on the hospital grounds for the overflow, helping to alleviate the crisis (see picture). The hospital is continuing to receive more cases, people are starting to die, some before they can reach the hospital.

The flooding from Hurricane Tomas has caused a lot of problems, and water in rivers and other places is being contaminated by those who are sick. Even though the hospital staff is exhausted, there is an incredible spirit among them that has not been seen in a long time. They've admitted 269 cases of cholera during the first week of November alone, and more are arriving each week - on top of all the other normal patients in the hospital.

Cholera protesters barricade Haiti city, assail UN


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greetings Everyone! 
November 6, 2010

Cholera spreading around the country, little or no water on campus, Hurricane Tomas, 1000’s still in tents or under tarps, and only 2% of Haiti back to pre-earthquake status, but it’s still good to be home!  We are being very cautious with the Cholera - not eating fruits or raw vegetables, treating the water we have, and washing hands constantly.  We also talk with all our friends about using good hygiene themselves and being careful about eating anything not prepared at home.

I know many of you were praying for Haiti with the threat of Hurricane Tomas.  Praise God with us for answered prayer.  Yes, there was lots of rain and strong winds did damage to gardens in different areas, but we do believe God spared this country worse disaster.

Many ask about my foot – I am still not walking normally, but have made good progress.  The bone has healed, but it will take time for the tendons/ligaments, etc. to heal completely.  I look forward to the day I can walk without a limp and pain free, but anything is better than a cast and crutches!!  :0)  Thanks for praying.

It was good to see Jehu and the boys again.  There has been good progress on their building and they hope to be moved in by the end of the year.  All the boys except one passed the government school exams and have moved onto the next level.  After the quake 2 mothers came and got their young sons.  Just recently Donald was brought back to the center.  He was all smiles and so happy to be back.  The other mother is on drugs and living on the street and took her son because she felt he would help her bring in more money.  The older boys have seen Schneider Paul on the street – his mother is not able to take care of him.  He’s 6.  Pray that God in His sovereignty might see SP returned to the center before it is too late.   Eli, one of the older teenage boys, called me the other day.  He wanted a missionary offering envelope.  He has been doing some odd jobs and he wanted to give a portion of his money to Roger’s support in Senegal.  I’m sure this is the first money he has ever had.  He is an example to me.

Another example to me:  Naomie had been standing in line at the bank for over 2 hours.  She was very tired and almost ready to give up, but finally her turn came.  As she was leaving, a young man fainted.  Everyone moved back away from him, ignoring his need.  Naomie thought of passing him by too, but instead she got some water, bathed his face, let him drink and helped him sit up.  She then called his family and stayed with him until they came to take him to see a Dr.  She had done more than her part.  But she didn’t stop there.  She called the family later on that evening to see how the man was doing.  She has continued to be in contact with the family and has taken this opportunity to share the Gospel with them.  Because of her unusual example of love, they have been receptive.  “Don’t run up debts, except the huge debt of love you owe each other.  You can never finish paying that!  If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill all the requirements of God’s law.”  Rom 13:8  It’s so easy to get calloused to the great needs around us – not just for us here in Haiti, but for all of us wherever God has us – and yet I believe more people would respond if we loved more.  I’m asking God to fill me up each day with His love and then to help me obey and be ready to love in the opportunities He gives me.

Thanks to funds that were given, Bruce picked up a cement block maker today and will get a rock crusher in another week or so.  Pray that God would use both these tools to help establish some small businesses for some Christian Haitian families, and that these families will in turn have an impact on their workers and communities as they not only seek to live, but to bring light into darkness.

Please continue to pray for the STEP administration and profs.  All are under heavy loads.  Bruce is meeting this week with a group of men from Reach Global (E-Free Church Mission) who are exploring  opportunities to be involved in Haiti beyond earthquake relief.  They have 2 Brazilians and 2 men from Zaire who feel God’s call on their lives to minister in Haiti.  Pray that God would guide in these meetings.   
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers.  Thank you for partnering with us in God’s work here in Haiti.  We covet your prayers as we interact with people here, as we make disciples, and as we develop ministries that God directs us to.  We have been impressed lately with how short our time might be.  We’re praying daily that God will raise up many laborers to bring in the harvest. 

Love,  Bruce & Cindy

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Update from Phyllis Schmid

We were glad that the rains had stopped to a drizzle when we went to bed last night.  Then at around 2 am a heavier rain began and last for a while.  I really wondered what it might bring as the ground is so saturated (in my unscientific opinion).  Anyway, David received the following report this morning:

  • Two deaths and two people missing have been reported due to Hurricane Tomas. 
  • The DPC estimates 10,000 people have voluntarily evacuated their shelters since 4 November.
  • In upper Artibonite, heavy rains since 17:30 P.M. are accumulating, causing flooding in areas in and around Gonaives with 25 to 35 centimeters of standing water reported by MINUSTAH.
  • The South and Centre departments of Haiti are not impacted by the hurricane anymore while the North-West of Haiti continues to be affected until night hours.
  • Hospitals in LĂ©ogane and Les Cayes, as well as Saint Louis Hospital in Delmas (Port au Prince), have been evacuated
There are approximately 120,832 tarps and 4,268 tents in the country to provide assistance to over 300,000 individuals. Over 60 per cent of the shelter needs can be covered with available in country stocks. Assessments are ongoing.

I was just on SKYPE with Ginger Muchmore who is with daughter, Judy, and her husband, Manis, in Plateau Anse Rouge.  They had the same gentle rains at first and then got hit with bad winds and heavy rains which took out people's gardens.  To quote Ginger:
[9:49:54 AM] mllejud: terrible drought that nearly took the gardens....
[9:50:05 AM] mllejud: then a soft gentle rain that fell all night and made the plants smile
[9:50:11 AM] mllejud: then the strong winds and hard rain
[9:50:17 AM] mllejud: and .....gone

 Also many of the trees Manis has been growing for the past 5 years were damaged or uprooted so there is much work to be done.  Please pray for this young couple in their work of bringing the light of Christ to an area steeped in voodooism - it is not easy but they push ahead.  The sun is finally pushing through the clouds today here in Port-au-Prince.

Again thanks for your prayers,

Thank you for your prayers!

Thomas is past the north tip of Haiti.  We have not heard any reports of heavy rains or destructive winds.  For us in Port-au-Prince we had a light steady rain since early last evening and all day today.  At times it was heavier with very minimal wind here in the capitol.  God answered prayer.  I'm sure it is uncomfortable for those in tents because it is cool and damp but the damaging winds and heavy downpours did not materialize for us.  I just talked to Lois up north and they are having steady rains but not the bad winds either so that is wonderful.  I pray for the soil not to be so saturated that mudslides occur now.  Indeed the world has kept Haiti in their prayers and God has answered.  We are grateful.

Our news from our hospital at La Pointe is that they continue to receive cholera patients.  Please pray for the medical staff as they handle this heavy influx of very sick people and for those not affected to stay safe and healthy. 

Thanks again for praying.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hurricane Tomas Update

This is the latest advisory (5 am EDT Friday) and map at the link below. It is classified a hurricane one and will pass through the western part of Haiti sometime this morning /through the day and exiting the strait between Haiti and Cuba late Friday/early Saturday.

In my tracking it appears to ever slightly be moving north/northeast and those of you on the north coast could be having the center of Tomas passing closer to you.

In PAP we had rain through the night and around 1 am woke up with stronger winds that have died down, though with intermittent rain squalls that are becoming more frequent now.

Keep in touch.

NOAA website

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Update from Phyllis Schmid

Well, I arrived back from La Pointe today, Wednesday, instead of waiting for Friday due to the fact that a weather upset named Tomas is headed our way.  It seems to fluctuate from a Hurricane to a tropical storm but either way it could drop a lot of rain on Haiti. We know many of you are aware of this and are praying. We appreciate it. David is parking our truck and the mission truck out in the open instead of under trees as a precaution.

My time at La Pointe with Lois and the instructors of the CEF teacher training course went very well and was a special encouragement to me. This was the second time I've done this with this group of women. The laughter, fellowship and worship times together were a blessing to me. They've invited me back for the next seminar so I'll be looking for additional craft ideas. Anyone with simple ideas using things available here like small hand sewing projects, things with paper, glue, etc would be great.

Hurricane Tomas heading for Haiti

Please pray for Haitians bracing for Tomas, a hurricane headed for the coast of Haiti either today or tomorrow.  Not everyone has shelter other than tarps or tents and flooding is a constant issue in Haiti.

Please pray for:
  • shelter for those still living in tent citys
  • food and other necessities to be available after the storm blows through to help those who will be affected by flooding
  • aid workers who are still working Haiti that they will be able to reach out to those in need
  • strength to face the uncertainty surrounding Haiti; regardless of the storm
  • for people to continue to reach out to God and be touched by the salvation of Jesus in a way we have never seen in Haiti.
Praise God for:
  • leaders who opened buildings around the city to give those in tent cities a place to find shelter
  • aid workers who have been in Haiti since January and for those who have rotated in since then
  • His love and care for the people of Haiti even in these very trying times they face
  • for the people who have called on Jesus and found salvation and peace in Christ