Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greetings Everyone! 
November 6, 2010

Cholera spreading around the country, little or no water on campus, Hurricane Tomas, 1000’s still in tents or under tarps, and only 2% of Haiti back to pre-earthquake status, but it’s still good to be home!  We are being very cautious with the Cholera - not eating fruits or raw vegetables, treating the water we have, and washing hands constantly.  We also talk with all our friends about using good hygiene themselves and being careful about eating anything not prepared at home.

I know many of you were praying for Haiti with the threat of Hurricane Tomas.  Praise God with us for answered prayer.  Yes, there was lots of rain and strong winds did damage to gardens in different areas, but we do believe God spared this country worse disaster.

Many ask about my foot – I am still not walking normally, but have made good progress.  The bone has healed, but it will take time for the tendons/ligaments, etc. to heal completely.  I look forward to the day I can walk without a limp and pain free, but anything is better than a cast and crutches!!  :0)  Thanks for praying.

It was good to see Jehu and the boys again.  There has been good progress on their building and they hope to be moved in by the end of the year.  All the boys except one passed the government school exams and have moved onto the next level.  After the quake 2 mothers came and got their young sons.  Just recently Donald was brought back to the center.  He was all smiles and so happy to be back.  The other mother is on drugs and living on the street and took her son because she felt he would help her bring in more money.  The older boys have seen Schneider Paul on the street – his mother is not able to take care of him.  He’s 6.  Pray that God in His sovereignty might see SP returned to the center before it is too late.   Eli, one of the older teenage boys, called me the other day.  He wanted a missionary offering envelope.  He has been doing some odd jobs and he wanted to give a portion of his money to Roger’s support in Senegal.  I’m sure this is the first money he has ever had.  He is an example to me.

Another example to me:  Naomie had been standing in line at the bank for over 2 hours.  She was very tired and almost ready to give up, but finally her turn came.  As she was leaving, a young man fainted.  Everyone moved back away from him, ignoring his need.  Naomie thought of passing him by too, but instead she got some water, bathed his face, let him drink and helped him sit up.  She then called his family and stayed with him until they came to take him to see a Dr.  She had done more than her part.  But she didn’t stop there.  She called the family later on that evening to see how the man was doing.  She has continued to be in contact with the family and has taken this opportunity to share the Gospel with them.  Because of her unusual example of love, they have been receptive.  “Don’t run up debts, except the huge debt of love you owe each other.  You can never finish paying that!  If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill all the requirements of God’s law.”  Rom 13:8  It’s so easy to get calloused to the great needs around us – not just for us here in Haiti, but for all of us wherever God has us – and yet I believe more people would respond if we loved more.  I’m asking God to fill me up each day with His love and then to help me obey and be ready to love in the opportunities He gives me.

Thanks to funds that were given, Bruce picked up a cement block maker today and will get a rock crusher in another week or so.  Pray that God would use both these tools to help establish some small businesses for some Christian Haitian families, and that these families will in turn have an impact on their workers and communities as they not only seek to live, but to bring light into darkness.

Please continue to pray for the STEP administration and profs.  All are under heavy loads.  Bruce is meeting this week with a group of men from Reach Global (E-Free Church Mission) who are exploring  opportunities to be involved in Haiti beyond earthquake relief.  They have 2 Brazilians and 2 men from Zaire who feel God’s call on their lives to minister in Haiti.  Pray that God would guide in these meetings.   
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers.  Thank you for partnering with us in God’s work here in Haiti.  We covet your prayers as we interact with people here, as we make disciples, and as we develop ministries that God directs us to.  We have been impressed lately with how short our time might be.  We’re praying daily that God will raise up many laborers to bring in the harvest. 

Love,  Bruce & Cindy

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