November 29, 2010
Dear Friends,
This past week we celebrated 2 special events, but neither of them on the actual day. Bruce’s birthday is the 24th, but we celebrated his life earlier on the weekend with the Schmids. We had our traditional grilled meal, cheesecake for dessert, played a game (Phyllis and I tromped the guys), and even watched a movie. Would you pray that God would continue to bless Bruce and his involvement in lives here – that he would continue to make disciples and be instrumental in the advancement of God’s Kingdom?
Thanksgiving is not celebrated here of course so we never have that day off, but because of elections, STEP canceled classes on Friday and Monday. We invited the Dorlus, Wadestrant, Louis, Schmid and Mears families over. The kids filled a table outside and after dinner enjoyed the afternoon running and playing together. We adults had a very fun time together – there’s always lots of laughter with Jean and Jacques around. We also had a special time sharing praises to God and then things we are thankful for about each other. Bruce and I are so grateful for these good friends and colleagues. Would you pray especially for Jean, Jacques and Wawa in their positions of directing STEP – that God would protect them both physically and spiritually and continue to bless their impact on the ministry and many lives here.
Almost 2 years ago, Wawa’s Dad, a Voodoo witchdoctor, came to salvation through Jesus Christ. He continues to have a thirst for knowing God and is growing in his walk with God. A STEP grad is leading a Bible study at Yves’ house with 36 people. This group is the start of a new church in an area with no other evangelical ministry. Praise God! And pray for this new body of believers.
We asked you to pray for Claudy who is working for Vision d’Antioche (VA). He is doing a great job of representing VA. He is contacting lots of pastors and churches and connecting them to the ministry of VA again, and helping to renew their involvement, not just with VA, but also in the whole area of missions. Please continue to pray for him as he teaches/preaches on missions each week and in all he does to help VA function properly.
Roger, our Haitian missionary in Senegal, wrote saying that 163 Haitians have arrived in Senegal to study there. After the quake, the Senegalese government invited Haitians to come to their country. Roger has made the effort to go see these students and he says many of them are believers. Every day Bruce and I pray that God will send out more workers into His harvest. Would you pray with us? Would you pray that some of these Haitian believers would be workers that God will use in His harvest in Senegal?
The area around us remained calm over the weekend as elections took place. We are still not sure of the final outcome as most of the candidates are asking that the elections be annulled because of fraud. Pray with us that this situation will be resolved without a lot of upheaval and that God will put a good and capable leader into the presidency.
I’ve got Christmas music playing and have decorated the house. We look forward to celebrating the wonderful gift of Jesus in many different ways in the days ahead. We love you and praise God for each one of you – your friendship, your prayers, your support, your involvement in our lives in so many ways. May you enjoy each day the abundant life God has provided.
Love, Bruce & Cindy
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