During times when it seems like God is standing afar off and we don’t understand the situation, we must remember that He is sovereign and sees and knows all and He is accomplishing what honors Him, what will advance His Kingdom, and what is best for us. He is our rock and our faith in His sovereignty is how we stand and continue each day.
“But you, O God, do see trouble and grief; you consider it to take it in hand. You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry.” Ps 10:14, 17
- He has provided pure drinking water for those on our campus and in the surrounding community through two systems Samaritan’s Purse set up.
- He provided over 200 large tarps that have helped to provide shelters on the campus and out in the community.
- He provided tents to help give shelter to families of the national church organization we work with here.
- He used churches in the Chicago area who had contacts in the Dominican Republic to arrange for a large shipment of food supplies and fuel to reach us.
- He protected our men driving the trucks to pick up this delivery from outside the city. He protected our men who did a bank run – not a hold-up, but exchanging and withdrawing funds.
- He sent medical teams who have poured out compassion and care for the hurt and sick.
- He arranged for the food that was supposed to have arrived last Saturday to finally arrive today. And to be honest, we were anxious because there was a lot of potential for disaster. But again, He answered prayer and helped the distribution to happen without any major problems.
He does see, consider, hear and encourage!
God has also used you all to encourage us. Thank you for your prayers, your emails (I haven’t been able to respond to them all), Scripture you’ve shared with us, and contributions that many have sent to CrossWorld.
God has also helped me to accept the fact that what was “normal” life for us here before, will most likely never be again. He has helped me to release that expectation and to accept and adapt to a new “normal.” I admit it makes me sad, but also helps me to move on to hopefully be used of God in new ways He has planned. We continue to covet your prayers.
So, we’re making progress. If you were to visit our outhouse, you’d appreciate that we now have a toilet seat! J It was salvaged from one of the damaged houses on campus.
Two days ago a Haitian lady, a friend of mine in the community, brought me a gift!!!!! She had purchased 7 grapefruit for us. In the midst of need and distress, she gave to us. Amazing!
Wednesday, a small group of youth met in our yard with 2 of our Seminary students. Two of the youth accepted salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Life goes on. Many of you have asked about coming down to help. Commercial airlines have still not started up yet, so it is hard to find a way to get in. But don’t worry. There is no quick fix for the situation here, so there will be plenty of opportunities in the months and years ahead to join a team and come on down to be involved in a project.
Well, this is long enough. I started this yesterday, but only succeeded with 2 lines, so changed the date and continued today. We’re all planning on doing something to take a break this weekend. Maybe a movie, maybe a game, maybe just resting, maybe a book…I hope it works – we all need it.
Love and blessings to all,
Cindy for Bruce too
Thanks so much for keeping us up to date, Cindy. I so appreciate it. Our church is praying. A little Haitian boy who was adopted by a family in our town a couple of years ago is now coming to our AWANA group. His name is Hudson. His sister's are still in Haiti and no one has been able to contact them yet. He started coming to our club with a friend because he wanted to be with God's people to pray for his family there. His adoptive family doesn't go to church. He has been such a blessing! He even smiles at my very rusty Creole. He makes sure we all pray for Haiti all the time.
ReplyDeleteHi to Wawa from "Miss Bobbie"