Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend email from Mom

Cindy is doing an update today and when I receive it I will forward it on to you all. Some of you will get it twice but better than not at all.

One of our STEP prof’s children have traveled to the states. Friends are working on getting his wife a visa. Several of the wives had a hard time the other morning when we had another hard shock/quake. We all have our moments. Another prof told David his brain is “fried” so to speak. He is having a hard time concentrating and feels he needs to get away. All the men have had so much to deal with. They really need our prayers. You know how hard David can push and he is going overtime, so is Bruce. We are so glad for Mark Bradley and Roger See’s help in many practical ways and also just having the extra minds, hands and feet.

Samaritan’s Purse people came and they have set up 2 potable water stations on campus for the community one here by the seminary and the other at the bottom gate. David announced only 1 gallon each. Later he took down one of the 5 gallon culligan bottles because I didn’t have a gallon jug and said to everyone – I just want one gallon in this. He didn’t want people to think we were taking advantage of the system. Everyone laughed.

We need to build a new reservoir at the top of the campus because the original cistern is leaking after the quake. Someone is offering to get us a temporary storage tank to use until the new one can be built. There are so many different directions aid is available and so we are trying to pursue each one.

We were to get food aid yesterday and the community leaders were in charge but they were having a hard time. David and Cindy got everyone organized into teams, etc. to keep it orderly. Brigade young men from Elim and Bolosse churches came to help and they did a great job but the food never came. No one made a fuss or got angry. People are just so appreciative of whatever the campus is doing. At least we have a system if aid every does get here.

One lady apologized to David because our yard is such a mess. She said you always have such a nice yard (people like taking pictures here) and now it is ruined. David assured her it was ok. Another lady in the lower yard got a container and was picking up trash and plastic. I went out and thanked her for doing it and her face registered the brightest smile. She made my day. We’ve established a place for people to put garbage and to burn trash just to try to keep things from getting out of control. Please pray for the medical needs of having so many people together in such a confined space – skin diseases, etc.

Cindy and I had the makings for pizza today so that was our meal for us and the 4 men here. Cindy’s oven isn’t working so we baked them here but ate over there. My dining room table is David’s desk and office center since his office is a shambles. She also made chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Don’t they sound decadent? They are!!! So you see we aren’t suffering too much.

Having just come back after being out for Christmas and them returning from their 6 month furlough we had brought back some treats. She and I will be going out (maybe tomorrow) to look for staples like flour, tomato paste, fresh veggies. Not sure what we will find but we’ll give it a try. Our normal “grocery” store collapsed with many many people inside. It is a relatively new building so I would have thought it would be ok. I didn’t really know the people who worked there but they were people we were used to seeing and greeting. It is hard to know many are gone now.

Can’t remember if I told you that Roger set up the shower bag things in our shower and in Cindy’s. They are really nice and it gives a better opportunity to feel clean and sleep better at night.

Well, I’m getting weary and David and the men are in a meeting so I’ll close. Our hearts are full to overflowing for all the emails, and assurances of prayers. We have several former Haiti CrossWorld missionaries back in Haiti serving in various capacities. It is great to be a part of this large family. Our worship service this morning was a blessing to my heart. God is showing me in so many different ways how He and He alone is bringing His people in our beloved Haiti through this trial. Please continue to pray for His strength to be our portion and for lives to be touched with the message of the gospel during this time.

We love you more than words can express.


1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful BLOG and really tells us how to pray and what to pray for. Thank you for keeping us all updated on your plight. We know God is with you and are praying for peace in your hearts, and rest for your weary bodies. (John Drexler's sister)
