Sunday, January 24, 2010

Skype conversation with Mom

There was a morning service on campus. At the service, the leaders gave instructions about where to dump food scraps, where to dump paper trash for burning and where the latrines are located. They are hoping to move people from upper yard and back yard and start with just the lower yard.

There is a meeting at 6pm with the Crisis International team and the missionaries. The Crisis International team will be there for a few more days, leaving Wednesday.

Cindy and Mom may try to find a store open for food supplies. They will try do this tomorrow. They are not sure if any stores will be open or if they will find supplies.

Today was a slower day for them. They got a water filtering system from Samaritan’s Purse. They could only allow only 1 gallon of water for each person.

No aid and no word from them about receiving it. People were disappointed and did not get out of control. There are a lot of different contacts they are working with but they are still waiting for supplies.

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