Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Jan. 30 update from Mom


We had 4 Haitian policemen who came in uniform and
helped keep things calm. The men were able to unload the truck taking rice, beans and oil to each of 7 "zones" on campus. There the zone leaders were to disburse the food. God answered prayer and things went much better than
expected. There were a few snags.

The worst thing is that some thieves from down in the valley had made their way into the crowds. When the rice, beans and oil had been distributed to the zone including our upper front yard I suddenly heard a commotion and looked out to see 2 men with boxes and a few others running off the end of the patio. I ran outside and when I looked over the wall they were escaping with the beans and oil for this zone. The people got rice but not the beans and oil. I was so upset and wanted to just shake those that stole it.

People were unhappy but resigned to it. It never ceases to amaze me how people are so used to disappointment that they can overcome it. I wished I'd been quicker to get out and stop them but more than likely I'd have been pushed off the patio edge or whatever. So things are quiet on campus and people are grateful for what they received.

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